
We provide our physics undergraduates with a rigorous core program and opportunities for cutting edge research. A physics degree from 电子游戏软件 opens doors to employment at global tech and consulting companies.

Our department has recently undergone a dramatic expansion, including the hiring of several new faculty members and development of world-class research programs, which has propelled us into the forefront of research into complex materials. The department strongly encourages undergraduates to become involved in faculty research—there is no better way to learn physics than by doing physics!

我们是一个相对小而紧密的部门, with a ratio of undergraduate majors to faculty of about 4:1. Students are welcomed in a friendly environment in which they can easily interact with faculty for help with their coursework, 建议, 或者只是一次非正式的聊天.





  • Study laws of classical and quantum physics and their applications. 
  • Develop mathematical and computational skills for solving quantitative problems.
  • Learn how to obtain, organize, analyze, and interpret scientific data.

除了物理学的学术生涯之外, 工程, 或相关领域, a physics degree leads to a wide range of professional opportunities. Physicists are highly valued and sought for numerous industrial and governmental positions, 包括在以下领域:

  • 气候变化与可持续发展
  • 卫生与医药
  • 航空航天与国防
  • 仪器仪表与制造
  • 材料科学与纳米技术
  • 计算机科学与量子信息
  • 财务及系统管理



